13 July, 2011

Rainy beginning.

Hi. After a long trip we finally got to Cambodia. Currently we are in Siem Reap and tomorrow we'll be visiting Angkor Wat ;) We're planning to stay there form two days. The trip from Bangkok to Siem Reap was quite convoluted because we had to take a bus then a taxi then walk through the border on feet, and than another bus and yet another one to the city. The weather is surprisingly pleasant now, but on the road we experienced our first monsoon, and we were quite amazed to see that much water and wind at once. On the bus we met lots of tourists our age from all over the world so apparently trips to this part of the globe are quite popular. I guess that'll be all for now, I can only say that Cuttle Fish Chips (squid flavour) are not the best thing we've tasted so far. Yellow Noodles with chicken however, were really tasty. We'll see about it tomorrow in the bathroom :) And now time for some photos :) enjoy!


  1. Zniszcze cie za tego mojego fejsa! sasasasasasaaaa

  2. kibicujemy Rolandowi

  3. Chętnie bym poczytał, ale niestety jest po angielsku.
