14 July, 2011

Following Lara Croft ;) (Angkor day 1)

Hello there!
Today we visited Angkor temples, near the city we live in. This is one of the main points of our journey. They are quite astonishing and it's hard to believe that they were built about 900years ago. To get there we took a ''tuk tuk'' (a kind of rikshaw) and drove around several temples, including Angkor Wat and another one where the first Tomb Raider movie was shot. The tickets for two days were 40$ per person but I guess it's worth the price. Tomorrow we're going back there to see the sunrise and some more distant temples. We're a bit hungry now but a heavy monsoon is stopping us from leaving the hotel. cheers! ;) (I'll try to upload more photos later, but the internet sucks here so I can't promise anything)


  1. Dobrze, że chociaż zdjęcia są po polsku.

  2. Mam nadzieje ze poki co wszystko idzie z planem :-D. Zazdroszcze na maksa.

    Ciekawe w Angkorze oprocz oczywisce samych swiatyn sa te urzadzonka ktore wlaczaja o 14 kazdego dnia zeby odstraszyc insekty - na prawde pomagaja :-).

    Powodzenia w dalszej czesci wyprawy. Bede sledzil na biezaco

  3. Roland RODXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!
